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Official jQuery Plugin for Avro Phonetic

Various efforts have been made to create a javascript version of Avro Phonetic, but none of them is 100% compatible to Avro Keyboard’s phonetic scheme. So we have created this official version and made it a jQuery Plugin so that people can easily integrate Bangla typing facility to their sites without depending on a native IME.


NOTE  Press Ctrl+M to switch to . Hit Space, Enter or Tab to transliterate.

Targeted Browsers

Internet Explorer 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Firefox 3.† 4.† 5.†
Chrome Latest stable
Safari 5.† iOS 4.†
Webkit Android 2.†
Opera 10+


Use Enable Avro Phonetic in all textboxes & textareas Use Enable Avro Phonetic in all textboxes & textareas with default mode set to English Use Enable Avro Phonetic in all textboxes & textareas with a callback function to get keyboard mode changing notification


  1. Fork the github repo
  2. Report issues